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Georgia Onsite
Wastewater Association

Serving Georgia's Onsite Wastewater Industry

Exhibitor Registration - GOWA Annual Conference 2018

  • Friday, August 24, 2018
  • Saturday, August 25, 2018
  • Savannah Marriott Riverfront, 100 General McIntosh Boulevard, Savannah, GA 31401


Registration is closed

GOWA Annual Conference Exhibitor Registration

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to exhibit at the 2018 GOWA Annual Conference & Industry Expo on August 24-25 in Savannah, GA. 

The Industry Expo will offer a total of 25 tabletop exhibits. 

The exhibitor package includes: 

  • Two Full Conference Attendee Registrations 
  • One 6’ table with two chairs
  • Recognition in conference materials

Electricity for the booth space may be purchased separately using the hotel order form linked in the confirmation email that you will receive once you submit this exhibitor registration form. 

Any exhibitor/vendor selling goods or services is considered a "transient merchant" and must obtain a City of Savannah Business Tax Certificate.

Setup: Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 12:00pm

Dismantle: The reserved space will need to be completely cleaned and exhibits cleared from the Hotel by 2:00pm on Saturday, August 25, 2018.  

Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association
P.O. Box 2946
LaGrange, GA 30241

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